• languages


  • About DLI

    In today’s world, where increased conversations about globalization permeate discussions across all industry sectors, dual language immersion education is taking center stage as the most effective and efficient program for preparing linguistically and culturally competent students who can successfully compete in a complex global economy.

    Utah Dual Language Immersion (DLI) is a state-supported program in which students spend half the day in English with one teacher and half the day with another teacher in a second language while in elementary school. The DLI Program then offers an advanced language course and Social Studies in the target language in grade six. In grades, seven through nine, students take an advanced language course as well as a Culture, History, and Media course. Participating students are able to enroll in Advanced Placement language coursework and complete the AP exam in either the ninth or tenth grade. In grades ten or eleven through twelve, students will be offered upper-division university-level coursework through blending learning with six major Utah universities.

    Park City School District offers programs with Spanish and French as second languages. The mission of Dual Immersion is to prepare linguistically and culturally competent students who can successfully compete in a complex global economy.



    The classroom teacher assesses students in the DLI program and proficiency reports are provided to parents with feedback on their child’s progress in the language twice a year. All DLI students participate in all state standardized tests in English. Additionally, DLI students participate annually in a nationally normed language evaluation called the AAPPL (ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages).

