November 2022 Superintendent Newsletter

Thankful, Grateful & Appreciative


As we approach another Thanksgiving holiday, I am truly thankful, grateful and appreciative for our amazing team at the PCSD:


To our BOE, thank you for your leadership and direction as we have navigated high waters over the past few years. Your student-centered focus ensures we stay afloat and headed in the right direction. 


To our administrators, educators and staff, thank you for your commitment to helping students thrive on a day-to-day basis. From successfully jumping back into the swing of things this fall to learning how to fight back in order to keep students safe, your dedication is evident. 


To our incredible families and the community, thank you for supporting our initiatives and for trusting us with your children. We are beyond blessed to have the privilege of educating and do not take this role lightly. 


To the Park City Education Foundation, thank you for enabling innovation, programming, and student success in so many ways! Our schools would not be the same without the generosity of all who support our PCEF team. Whenever a child enjoys art, steam activities, robotics or debate, we have a PCEF donor to thank!


I wish you each a wonderful Thanksgiving break!



Dr. Jill Gildea

Superintendent of Schools 

Park City School District