• Dress Code

    Treasure Mountain Junior High is focused on student learning and achievement; therefore, clothing must be school-appropriate, respectful, and allow a full range of motion (sitting, bending, reaching, running, etc.) without requiring a continuous need for readjustment.

    Some teachers may require students to remove hats and hoods during their classes.
    Additional dress code issues that will be addressed include:

    • Students should not wear clothing that reveals undergarments/underwear or reveals areas of the body where undergarments/underwear is typically present.  Examples include waistbands and bras.
    • Clothing should not expose a substantial amount of the torso (as a reference if the exposed skin exceeds the width of the student’s hand), they are likely in dress code violation
    • Students’ shorts should not expose the student’s bottom. We recognize that there are differences in fits based on each individual, but as a general rule, students’ shorts should not be shorter than a 3 inch inseam
    • Gang-affiliated clothing and accessories
    • Clothing with vulgar, profane, or illegal messages
      • Alcohol brands and/or messages
        • E.g. Budweiser, Corona, etc.  
      • Drug paraphernalia brands and/or messages
        • Cookies brand, marajuana leafs, etc. 
    • Inadequate footwear

    The administration shall be the final judge as to the appropriateness of the apparel. If it is deemed inappropriate, the student will be asked to contact their parent for a change of clothing, or the school will provide a change.