• Student Schedule Changes

    It is important to realize that the TMJH master schedule is based upon the student requests made in spring of the previous year. In order to be fiscally responsible, the number of course sections within each subject area are based on these projections. School Counselors spend a considerable amount of time in the spring ensuring students have the required core courses and their chosen electives or alternates, as requested. When a first choice elective or alternate selection is not able to fit in a student’s schedule, the counselor meets directly with the student to find a solution. Once requests are scheduled, it is difficult to make a schedule change because many classes will be at or near capacity. Therefore we anticipate minimal options for schedule changes.

    Class Caps

    Academic classes will be capped at 32 students. PE classes will be capped at 37 students. Once classes reach these caps, they will be considered full and students will no longer be placed in them. Because of this, customizing schedules, schedule changes, and withdrawals and enrollments will be subject to class availability; students may not be placed in their first-choice electives if those classes are closed. In addition, we may deny open enrollment applications if we cannot offer students a full schedule due to lack of available space.

    Schedule Errors:

    School Counselors and/or the Registrar will be available to meet with students/parents during Back-to-School Registration in August when one of the following ERRORS has occurred:

    • Enrolled in a course you have already completed and received credit
    • Enrolled in a course for which you have not met the prerequisite
    • Do not have a full schedule of 8 classes
    • Received a course you did not request as an original or alternate during registration (registration forms are kept in the counseling office for reference)
    • Want to move up or down a level in a core course (per teacher recommendation)

    Student Request for Schedule Change:

    Once the school year is underway, students may only request a schedule change during the first five (5) school days of the quarter, and during the last five (5) days of the semester to make a change for the next semester. The only time a schedule change is made outside of the scheduling window is for unusual circumstances in collaboration with a parent, teacher, administrator, counselor, and student. Some examples could include: medical condition/504 Plan, IEP, CCR, Safe School Violation or a new transfer student to TMJH.

    • Courses may not be changed after midterm.
    • Changes will not be made for preferred lunch, teacher, or to be scheduled with a friend.
    • Because of the impact and disruption changes have on class size and to ensure the balance of class loads, class capacities will not be overfilled.
    • Procedure to request a schedule change:
      • Process begins in the Counseling Office
      • Student fills out a Schedule Change Request Statement
        • Student requested schedule changes, not involving errors, must be approved by the grade-level administrator
      • Counselor meets with the student
      • Counselor meets with the student’s teacher, who will provide the counselor with background info, etc.
      • Counselor facilitates a possible meeting between the student, parent, and teacher
      • Involved parties try to rectify the situation in 5-10 more class sessions
      • If still a problem, counselor looks to see if the requested change is even a possibility
      • Team (parent, student, counselor, admin, teacher) decides if the student is eligible for the schedule change