• Student Laptops

    All students at TMJH will be issued a laptop.  Students are responsible for keeping them in good condition.  In the event of damage to the laptop or power adaptor, a $100 deductible fee will be charged.  All subsequent damage to the laptop will be at a cost of $200 plus a charge for any parts/repairs.  All students are expected to abide by the acceptable use policy of Park City SchoolsStudent internet and device usage is monitored and should a violation occur, technology use may be restricted.

    For more information regarding student laptops, please go to our technology webpage.

    Cell Phones

    Cell phones at TMJH are not allowed to be used in the classroom during class periods, with two exceptions:

    1. There are occasions in which a teacher may design a lesson where the use of a cell phone is permitted by the teacher. .
    2. Teachers may choose to allow one 5 minute (or less) tech break during class.  This is based on teacher discretion.
    • If a student needs to use the restroom during a class period, their teacher will ask them to leave their phone on the teacher’s desk. 
    •  If a parent needs to contact a student during a class period they should contact the main office at TMJH.
    • Cell phones are allowed before and after school, during hallway passing periods, and during a students' assigned lunch period.
    • Headphones are not to be used during class without the teacher’s permission.  Students should not have headphones, airpods, or other similar devices in their ears during class, even if they are off.

    Consequences for Cell Phone/Headphone Misuse:

    1. First Offense: 
      1. phone/headphones held in the main office for the day
    2. Second Offense: 
      1. phone/headphones held in the main office for the day
      2. phone call home
    3. Third Offense:  
      1. phone/headphones held in the main office for the day.
      2. administrator/student meeting to discuss further disciplinary action including loss of privileges, detention, and cell phone being turned for an extended period of time