Here are the many ways you can keep up with what’s happening at our school:

    PTO Board: Our board is here for YOU! Feel free to reach out anytime:

    President: Kelley Urankar 
    Vice President/Treasurer: Kelly Mugford
    Secretary: TBD
    Please join us in the school cafeteria the first Tuesday morning of every month at 8:15. Anyone and everyone are welcome to join us to support the students and staff at McPolin. We are always looking for volunteers! 
    PTO website: PTO Website
    Also, the general email address for the PTO is mcpolinpto@gmail.com.

    Facebook: Recuerde poner “me Gusta” a la pagina Mcpolin Facebook. Es una gran manera de consequir recordatorios durante toda la semana de lo que esta pasando en la escuela.

    Facebook: Remember to like the McPolin Facebook page.  It is a great way to get reminders throughout the week of what’s going on at school.