School Nurse


    Health Care Plans are an essential part of your child’s student records should they have any health concerns. Please contact me to discuss any concerns or needs and we can set up a time to meet or you are welcome to email me with a brief health history. It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to discuss medical concerns with all of their student’s teachers and specialists. 

    Health Care Plans


    Students with food allergies, requesting an Epi pen or other medications at school must also file an Allergy Action Plan. This form must be signed by a health care provider and parent annually.

    Allergy & Anaphylaxis Healthcare Plan


    Students must file an Epinephrine Authorization Form to carry or store an Epi-Pen at school. This must be signed by a health care provider annually.

    Epinephrine Authorization Form


    An Asthma Self Authorization form must be submitted to the school annually if your student is to carry or store and self-administer his/her inhaler. This form must be signed by the parent and health care provider annually.

    Asthma Action Plan

    Asthma Medication Authorization Form