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I'm Home... now what? (English)
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

I’m home & away from school…

Now what? 

(Accessing school work from home)

Go to Canvas:

Login using student information:

Username:  example: jsmith28 (first letter, last name, graduating year)

Password: (same as students use to get into their laptop) 

Start at the “Home” page:
The “Home” page is the best place to see ALL classes. 

Scroll through “My Subjects” (if it is a Blue Day only look at those classes and vise versa)

Next, look over each subject for the day it is.
(If it is a White Day, open all 4 of your White Day subjects)

Most of what you need to know will be found on the “Agenda” portion of these pages. Read what the plan for the day is and look for links that will help you see what is going on in class. Do what you can from home on anything that is asked of you.

Home Tab: This tab will bring you back to the “Agenda” page.

Schedule Tab: This tab will bring up a list of assignments by dates.

Grades Tab: This will show the status of all assignments and quizzes.

Modules Tab: Only some teachers will be using this (it is optional). If used you will see assignments, quizzes, and other links all organized in one spot.

Resources Tab: This will show a list of links students may need from time to time. The most common is the “Cleaver” link (Student Single Sign-On).