• School Nurse

    Suzanne Tanner
    Suzanne Tanner

    Please use the following resources to help guide you through the basic health practices in the elementary setting.

    FLU INFO: CDC Flu Guide for Parents

    HEALTH RESOURCES: PCSD Health Resource Page

    IMMUNIZATIONS: Utah Immunization Rule for Students R396-100. In order to attend elementary school, a student must have proof of receiving the following immunizations:

    • 2 Varicella (Chicken Pox) first dose must be given on or after the 1st birthday or history of having chicken pox disease, physician must provide records of this.
    • 3 Hepatitis B
    • 2 Hepatitis A
    • 5 Dtp (4 if the 4th given after 4th Birthday)
    • 4 Polio (3 if 3rd given after 4th birthday)
    • 2 MMR, the 1st dose must be given after the 1st Birthday

    In the state of Utah, a student may request an exemption from immunizations for medical or personal beliefs. The exemption process must be completed in order for the student to be enrolled in school. Please complete the following Utah State Exemption Module and submit the certificate of completion to the front office or email sutanner@pcschools.us.

    *Please note In the event of an outbreak, those students who have claimed an exemption or are on conditional enrollment and have not received the immunization for which there is an outbreak must be excluded from school until the outbreak is resolved.


    Health Care Plans are an essential part of your child’s student records should they have any health concerns. Please contact me to discuss any concerns or needs and we can set up a time to meet or you are welcome to email me with a brief health history. It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to discuss medical concerns with all of their student’s teachers and specialists.

    Health Care Plan


    Students must file an Asthma Self Administration form should they wish to carry an inhaler at school. This must be submitted and signed by health care provider annually.


    Students must file an Epinephrine Authorization Form to carry or store an Epi-Pen at school. This must be signed by health care provider annually.  Students with food allergies, requesting an Epi pen or other medications at school must also file an Allergy Action Plan. This form must be signed by a health care provider and parent annually.


    If your student requires medication at school, whether it be daily or as needed i.e. Ibuprofen or Tylenol, a medication permission form must be completed by the parent and signed by a physician. All forms can be found at this link.


    A current Vision Screening is required for children entering kindergarten. Vision Screening at Elementary schools takes place in all grades and is completed in the Fall. If a concern is noted, a letter will be sent in the mail recommending a complete eye exam.


    Maturation Classes are provided in 5th grade sometime in the spring and parents are welcome to attend. 


    During enrollment, please complete the blue Emergency Card as soon as possible. This ensures that we have the most recent health and contact information in the event of an emergency. Please notify the school of any changes during the school year, should they occur.

    As always, thank you for the opportunity to work with your sweet students. Please don’t hesitate to reach out should you have any questions.   

    Suzanne Tanner